Minecraft Alpha v1.0.1 was a version in Minecraft's Alpha development (the second version of the alpha phase) cycle released on July 2nd 2010. This version was a part of the "Seecret Friday" updates and was the third of the "Secret Friday" updates. It is the first version of Minecraft Alpha which had "alpha" in the top left corner of the screen. It is also the first version of Minecraft Alpha to receive additions, this update introduced redstone-related blocks (mechanical blocks in Minecraft), the blocks added include: redstone dust, iron doors, levers, redstone ores, redstone torches, stone button, stone pressure plate, wood pressure plate. Inventory models for stairs were now changed to show three dimensions (3D). Mushrooms were able to generate in random locations. The texture of the oak door was changed to have "windows" in them. Signs now could be placed to the sides of blocks. Mob AI was improved during this version and caves were more intricate than before.
Minecraft Alpha v1.0.1_01 image:
Minecraft Alpha v1.0.1 additional information: